Friday 4 July 2008

Taylor Swift To Rock With Def Leppard!

So country music and heavy metal have more in common than the mullets.

Apparently teen singer-songwriter Taylor Swift has always dreamed of rocking out with British rock giants Def Leppard!

And CMT is going to make her dream come true by arranging for them to play together for Crossroads, the show that pairs country acts with stars from other genres.

Even though Def Leppard formed more than decade before the multi-platinum selling country cutey was born, the Our Song star says that they're still her favorite rock band.

"Every time I've seen Crossroads on CMT I've always thought, 'If I ever get to do one of those, it has to be with Def Leppard!,'" said 18-year-old Taylor, "so this is really a dream come true for me.

"I have been screaming the words to Def Leppard songs for years, so it's amazing that I'm going to get to share a stage with them this year!"

Taylor and the five piece from Sheffield, England, will perform for an invitation-only audience in Nashville in October.

See Also